About CurveBeam
CurveBeam researches, develops and manufactures cone beam CT imaging & visualization solutions for the orthopaedic specialties. CurveBeam prides itself in its comprehensive accreditation support, as well as responsive customer and technical support. All CurveBeam systems are manufactured at its headquarters in Hatfield, Penn., USA, just outside of Philadelphia. CurveBea, Europe LTD’s office in London serves as the company’s Europe headquarters.
CurveBeam was founded in 2009 and is privately owned and operated. CurveBeam is ISO 13485:2016 certified and Medical Device Single Audit Prograpm (MDSAP) certified. For more information, please visit www.curvebeam.com.
The core team behind CurveBeam pioneered Cone Beam CT imaging technology for the dental, maxillofacial and ENT specialties. The introduction of point-of-care Cone Beam CT imaging revolutionized the industry and was instrumental in the advent of custom dental implants and improved practices in orthodontics and oral surgery. Today, Cone Beam CT scans are virtually the standard of care for advanced orthodontics and oral surgery treatment planning. CurveBeam is setting new standards in orthopedic 3D imaging worldwide.
Curvebeam is ISO 13485:2016 certified. Curvebeam is Medical Device Single Audit Program (MDSAP) certified.

CurveBeam: Who We Are
About CurveBeam’s Weight Bearing CT Imaging Systems
CurveBeam specializes in weight bearing CT imaging. CurveBeam’s pedCAT and LineUP systems have been installed across North America, South America, Europe, Australia and China.
The systems are compact, and can fit into a 8’ x 10’ room.
The systems plug into a standard 115/230 VAC wall outlet, making them ideal for the point-of-care setting.
The systems are self-shielded, reducing the amount of external shielding needed for radiation protection.
Operators select from specific kVp protocols and mA is fixed. A radiologic technologist without specialized training in computed tomography is qualified to operate the systems in most states in the United States.
Patient positioning is straightforward. Patient Scan time is less than a minute.
CurveBeam system scans are reimbursed via CPY codes 73700 – CT Lower Extremity without contrast in the United States.
CurveBeam datasets are DICOM compliant and fit seamlessly into existing PACS systems and workflows.
CurveBeam’s install base includes Hospital for Special Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital, Mayo Clinics and OrthoCarolina.
“The weight bearing CT changed by daily practice. In former times, we did standard X-Rays with weight bearing first and then if we were interested in 3D imaging, we sent the patient to CT. This could take days or even weeks. Now I have everything together in one minute.” – Dr. Martinus Richter, MD, PhD
About CurveBeam’s Bilateral Scan Capability
CurveBeam’s weight bearing CT imaging systems are designed for optimal standing position during scanning. The systems offer the largest field-of-view in their class, and can accommodate bilateral imaging of the entire knee, foot & ankle regions in a single scan. The systems’ wide gantry opening allow for easy step-in/step-out patient entry and exit. The large patient platform lets the patient stand naturally during scanning.
“We always do bilateral stances at Stanmore. And this is essentially to make sure that what you are seeing is we're producing as much as you can the truth. Because if you stand just on one leg, you may alter it something in terms of muscle contraction or position on the feet." – Dr. Alessio Bernasconi, MD, PhD
About CurveBeam HiRise
The HiRise is CE Marking Approved and FDA 510(k) cleared.
The HiRise will provide weight bearing CT imaging of the hips, knees, feet and ankles.
The HiRise will permit visualization of the femoral head within the acetabulum. These scans could be used in pre-operative planning for knee replacement surgery, as surgeons will be able to assess alignment of the femoral head to the knee joint in three-dimensional weight bearing position. The wide bore will allow for continuous scanning along the lower limb via multiple orbits, with patient remaining still in one position. The HiRise gantry will raise and lower along a vertical track for lower extremity scanning. The gantry will tilt 90 degrees for upper extremity scans as well as non-weight bearing lower extremity scans. An optional table will allow patients to be fully supine during non-weight bearing scanning if necessary.
About CurveBeam LineUP
The CurveBeam LineUP provides bilateral, weight bearing imaging of the knees, feet and ankles. An accessory mulit-extremity chair can be attached to the system to provide hand and elbow scanning capability. The LineUP also has limited two-dimensional X-Ray imaging capability. The CurveBeam LineUP is ideal for multi-specialty orthopedic practices.
The LineUP is compatible with the Wright PROPHECY® Preoperative Navigation System. The LineUP is the only weight bearing CT system that can scan the knees and feet in the same exam, allowing assessment of alignment of lower leg in three dimensions.
“The application of WBCT imaging to patient-specific surgical modeling holds tremendous potential to enhance the accuracy of preoperative plans and assessment of post-operative results. It has a tremendous potential to improve outcomes,” said Arun Singh, President & CEO of CurveBeam.
The CurveBeam LineUP received FDA 510(k) clearance, as well as CE Marking, in 2018.

LineUP Weight Bearing CT Imaging System by CurveBeam

About CurveBeam pedCAT
The CurveBeam pedCAT provides bilateral, weight bearing imaging of the feet & ankles. The CurveBeam pedCAT is ideal for foot & ankle focused orthopedic and podiatric practices.
The pedCAT received FDA 510(K) clearance, as well as CE Marking, in 2012.

About CurveBeam’s Proprietary MAR algorithm
CurveBeam’s proprietary metal artefact reduction (MAR) reconstruction tool employs a hugh-density detection filter, which enables more authentic reconstructions in the vicinity of metal hardware. Users have the option to activate MAR prior to the start of each scan.
About CurveBeam’s Visualization Software
CubeVue, CurveBeam's custom visualization software, gives orthopaedic surgeons access to dynamic 3D rendering tools. Specialists can rotate anatomy, segment bones, and cut through realistic representations of the bones and joints.
CubeVue presents the 0.3mm slices in a multi-planar reconstruction (MPR) and allows surgeons to create both curved and oblique custom cuts. CubeVue’s Insta-X tab presents digitally reconstructed radiographs, or simulated X-Ray views, created from the original scan.
CurveBeam’s Torque Ankle Lever Arm System (TALAS™) is a new hindfoot alignment measurement for weight bearing CT datasets. TALAS™ is a software algorithm developed with the help of leading foot & ankle surgeons that can be used to automatically calculate hindfoot alignment based on reproducible three-dimensional anatomical landmarks. TALAS™ introduces the concept of 3D-specific biometric measurements, as opposed to 2D biometrics (ex. tibia-calcaneus angle), which are subject to projection and rotation error. TALAS™ is investigational only and is intended to be used for research only. TALAS ™ is patent pending.
CurveBeam is collaborating with foot & ankle specialists worldwide to develop a comprehensive automatic measurement toolset.
For more information on the CurveBeam pedCAT, click here.

About CurveBeam Customer Support
When you invest in CurveBeam technology, you also invest in our support team, who begin working closely with you prior to installation to ensure a successful integration of advanced diagnostic imaging into your facility.
About CurveBeam Mobile
CurveBeams’ system can be utilized across multiple practice locations via a mobile imaging solution. CurveBeam Mobile's imaging suites are self-contained and easy to operate. To learn more about adding mobile weight bearing CT services to your practice or health network in the United States, visit www.curvebeammobile.com.

About Standing CT Company
To learn more about adding mobile weight bearing CT services to your practice or health network in the United Kingdom, visit the Standing CT Company at www.standingct.com. The Standing CT Company offers fixed and mobile scanning services, to provide efficient and professional reporting of scans by some of the United Kingdom's leading musculoskeletal expert radiologists. Standing CT Company can discuss a managed service with a CurveBeam system being installed into your hospital. This service can be staffed by our radiographers or we can train your staff to operate the scanner.